Delivering for a better future.

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Accredited Carbon Neutral Business
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1 tree planted for every delivery
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Partnered with Carma and Carbon Neutral Britain
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At DeliveryApp, every delivery we make is certified carbon neutral. Through our partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, we carefully measure the carbon emissions produced by our operations and deliveries, offsetting them through impactful carbon reduction programs.

But we don’t stop there. For every delivery completed, we plant a tree in collaboration with Carma, further demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and a greener future.

Our partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain

Through our partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, we have invested in a range of carbon reduction programmes that cover:

Renewable energy wind turbines
Biomass power

Please visit Carbon Neutral Britain to find out moreArrow Icon

Carbon Neutral Britain
one tree planted

Our partnership with Carma

We’re continuing to raise the environmental bar in our industry through our support of climate action projects, like planting one tree for every completed delivery, facilitated through our partnership with Carma.

Please visit Carma to find out moreArrow Icon